Saturday, March 9, 2013

Finals- a weekend in between

Monday I have 2 finals- physics and french. In physics there are like 40 formulas to memorize. Yeah, I'm wondering if I start crying during the test maybe the teacher will give me a good grade... French is going quite well, still lonely because everyone else in my class is in their 4th year and I am in my first. That means the teacher teaches 4th year french- nothing I can understand and I can't participate. Its a bummer but I have a good CD I am working with for pronunciation. But really it all come down to physics...Trying different ways of studying- reading, writing, with another person, with music, outside- but any way I do it I'd rather be sleeping. Yikes. Pray for me!


  1. Good luck Joslyn! You can do it! (but we'd love you if you didn't :-)


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