Thursday, April 25, 2013

Art and a Hello

Should be studying right now for a physics test I have tomorrow, but I just found a letter from my neighbor and was responding, when I read that she liked looking at the pictures I post on my blog. My thought= "Whoops, better post something!"
Yep, so test tomorrow, then going to the beach sunday 'till Friday. So excited! First of many 'end of the year' trips. These are a few drawings I did a while ago. Sometimes we all go down into the studio and just draw what we feel like drawing. Of course in Martin's case it's lots of circles, lines, and some M's (he's learning his name). The one I am holding was done by an artist in a park in Madrid. I have one from San Francisco so I thought it would be interesting to compare how different artists see the same person. Just wanted to say a quick hello and I love you!


  1. It's great to see you! Your smile is missed:)Have a great time at the beach (is it on the Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic?)


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