Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Life Looks Better on Paper- Emily Smith

This was written by another exchange student from Iowa, also living in Madrid. She is one of the most interesting and talented people I have ever met. I want her to be a writer after reading this! She posted this on her blog a while ago and I just had to share it with all of you!

My life sounds better on paper, when you smush everything together all at once. You are able to leave out the fact that I’m just as lonely, lost and bored out of my mind as everyone else on the planet.

Its why movies are and hour and a half and never show the mundane and why books don’t go over every single night you laid awake thinking about your life, and where you where headed.

Why no one ever talks about every bathroom break they took. Every awkward conversation, every cup of coffee, every hour they stared out their window thinking there has to be something more.

Nah we like to get to the juicy parts, we like it all neat and tidy in an hour and a half or in 200 pages or less.

Otherwise we get bored. We get bored hearing about real life. We get bored not being constantly entertained by the extraordinary.

So then we all grow up thinking one day something big is going to happen and we will just know. Know who we are supposed to be: find our one true love, fight all the villains, win a war, steal a car, become a cop, dance in the rain, have a moment of clarity, leave a dying declaration.

That’s not how the real world works.

Nah you don’t get everything all in an hour and a half. You spend your whole life not feeling good enough, pretty enough, strong enough.

We all set these unreachable expectations for ourselves and sometimes when we look back we can smush our life's together in one impressive paragraph. But that’s not life, no those are moments, seconds, things you didn’t realized mattered until they did.

Smile and Nod,

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