Saturday, December 29, 2012

Navidad y un paquete

Had an amazingly crazy Christmas! You know those europeans- it isn't Christmas without tears, yelling, a fire place, a little bit of smoking, alcohol, and family drama. Our Christmas meal consisted of soup, lasagna, mountains of seafood, lamb, and mushrooms. For dessert we had the regular mandarines and christmas candies. I also had coffee! Well, it was more like milk with coffee rather than coffee with milk, but hey, I tried. 

A few days ago I went to the post office to send some stuff (I do that so often the women who work there are basically my BFF's) and I have been expecting Christmas packages from family in the states. I was basically whining to the ladies that I hadn't gotten any packages yet. They looked in the back of the office, and BAM! one of my packages had arrived that day, what luck. It was a package from Albany and it included- a grow-your-own Christmas tree, a mirror shaped like a rose, earbuds, a book called 'To my Daughter' (one of the best books I have ever read, and I can't wait to give it to my own baby one day!), some peanut butter, a necklace, a cross, a DVD of my brother's last waterpolo game, a notepad that says "when everything else fails, go shopping!", a shirt that says 'I (picture of a mustache) you a question, and finally a 3D puzzle of a rose, who's idea was a 3D puzzle? A few hours and a whole frustrated host family later, I finished it.

Monday, December 24, 2012


 Yesterday was quite a day- woke up, went to the gym, came back to the house, showered, decorated a FAKE Christmas tree at one of my grandma's, went to church, walked back to the house, and ate lunch. I was planning on just lounging for the rest of the day, but then the boys asked me if I wanted to go to Madrid, and Madrid just isn't a city you say no to.

 So we drove 20 minutes to pick up Guzman's friend and the tickets to the soccer game they would be going to (they were going to be the ball boys). We drove another 15 minutes to the stadium, they went in, and I went walking. (4:30) I walked for more than 3 hours, got my first haircut without my mom, bought 3 other things- a jacket, a scarf, and soap. Got lost a few times, but had my map so eventually I would figure out where I was. At around 7:40 I called Rafa and he said he had a ticket for me, so I was able to go in the game. It was a charity game and there were some people I recognized from a popular TV show here. Above you can see my little brothers waiting for stray balls. Above the left is a picture of 'el hombre de negro' (from the TV show) and some people with him with big barrels, IDK what they were for really. The picture of me with Santa was from when I was out and about shopping. I am so grateful for these opportunities!
Merry Christmas Eve!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just being Spanish

Today was so fun!
We had 2 normal classes then we ran the "cross" with means cross-country, but it was a tiny run. I was first in the girls group! Medal #1.
After that we watched 2 boys' soccer games, then it was my team's turn. I may or may not have gotten a penalty for deflecting a ball from my face with my hands, but hey what else do you want me to do? My team won 1-0. Medal #2.

After school I took the bus to the nearby town of Majadahonda which has a bunch of shopping. There I bought things for my secret santa and for my teachers' gifts.

I have 16 teachers and to each one I am giving a chocolate bar and a white board marker. To my poor secret santa person- a sparkly plastic hate, granny panties, and a chocolate bar.

Monday, December 17, 2012

One week left of school

This past weekend was the usual, lunch at one grandma's house Saturday with loads of people. One interesting thing I learned while talking to one of my cousins is that she is living in Ireland (just visiting us now) but for the winter he will go to Dubai. Her job in Ireland is to take care of a family's horses (like a vet). The mother goes to Dubai to rise in the winter because she is something like the horse trainer for the princess of Dubai? Its all very complicated, but very cool.
              Then at my other grandparents' house on Sunday. We always have the same thing- which is fine by me- first regular soup, but instead of noodles, we have rice and garbonzo beans. After that we have a HUGE platter of chicken, ham, and other meat. Sometimes we also have green beans, potatoes, and sausage. I can barely move afterwards. This weekend they had the fireplace lent and I was soooo happy just sitting by it, getting warm.
        This week we have lots of fun things to do at school- today I had a fútbol game, we won, I sucked. Wednesday we have a run down to the area where we have the market area of our town then back up to the school- I want to win a medal! That day the teachers are also going to play in a soccer game. Thursday we receive our grades for the first trimester, wish me luck. And Friday is a half day, then Christmas break!

I go to this church once a month to watch my grandma sing, they only dress up once a month. This was an extra special 'concert' after the mass in honor of the Christmas season. I will try to put some of the videos up tomorrow.

(My grandma is the gorgeous one in baby blue!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas time in Spain

This last Saturday in Madrid with two other exchange students! First pic-Taste of America, thank God for this store, but really I do. Second pic- Me in my favorite bakery with my hard working bakers! Third pic- Plaza Mayor Christmas Market, mostly just fresh foliage (moss, holly, mistletoe) and nativity scenes for sale, but each piece was separate :/ Fourth pic- Just mountains of potato chips and sunflower seeds :) Pic below- Gettin frisky with Batman in the comic's section!

Had lunch at my tutor's house on Sunday, we had gnoccis! They were amazing. I asked him what he knew about my host family stuff, and he said really nothing but he would ask the main exchange student guy this coming week. I told him I didn't have a present for my Dad to put in my package I would be sending home so he gave me something! Can't say what it is of course, but it was very kind! Gonna go to a Christmas market at my local church this Saturday, then I plan on sending the package. I will post a picture of the contents after I know my family has received it:)  I received a Christmas package from my grandparents in Arizona, I am not supposed to open it 'till Christmas, but it says what it is on the box, LOL. Love you Nanny and Pom Pom! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Trouble, Finals, Shopping, Family

So sorry I haven't written in a while, but life's been crazy!

Well went to Madrid with my friend one Friday, and shopped, took pictures, people-watched, the usual. Remember when I went to Madrid and forgot my phone? Well this time I took it but left it in my backpack the whole time. When I checked it at 10:30 I had missed calls and texts from my host parents. When i called them back, they said we would 'talk' when I got home.....YIKES. I know they were just worried, but really that was the first time they'd really been angry with me. I cried harder than I ever have before, and I know it was my fault :/ Gonna be more careful next time!

Had final tests last Thursday and Friday and also this Monday and Tuesday. Did better on some than others.....but oh well. Nailed the French one! You could practically touch the stress in the air from all of the studying students, I quit worrying after the first day, because those were our hardest tests. Haven't got my grades yet, we'll see!

Yesterday, December 6, I went shopping in a nearby town with another exchange student who is also moving families. Her move is a 'bit' more extreme than mine, she is moving from the south coast, to the north, 2 hours from France! We shopped till we were barely standing. I bought some scarves and lots of things to send home in a Christmas package. Going to Madrid today at 4 with this exchange student and one more for more shopping! It's the first time since the incident, so wish me luck. (Little piggy for only 90 euros, maybe merry Christmas to me?)

On my shopping adventure I also talked with the head Rotary guy. He said I would live in Majadahonda (that town) and take the bus everyday to my same school. I am so happy! This town has 10X as much shopping as the one I live in now.

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