Friday, January 25, 2013

Catch up and a Bunny

Just a few things. Went ice skating with Tanner and Manu a week ago. I was the slowest in the whole place, I think. Every time I go ice skating I always bundle up, but really I end up taking off layer after layer and sweating. The next picture is the view from my new kitchen. It was a clear morning today so we were able to see these gorgeous snow covered mountains. Below that picture is a picture of 2 classmates on the ONLY day it snowed here. It didn't stick and we were in school the whole time so it doesn't really count. 

 Meet Martín, Roce (bunny), and Berta. 
I was home alone fro a few hours with Martín today while Berta was at a birthday and Mario and Marta were at a meeting. We started out by playing with cars, then we made some peanut butter chocolate muffins, then I cleaned the kitchen while he played under the table. We had dinner of potatoes, carrots, and chicken. I got him to eat by keeping him talking then when he wasn't focused I would shovel another spoonful into his little mouth. Our conversation was about his 2 girlfriends and how he is going to marry them both the same day, and I'm not invited to the wedding. We then went outside to look for Marta and Mario because Martín didn't believe me when I told him they were not home. While outside we discovered that Roce was not in his house, so he must still be inside, which we had forgotten. We played with him for a while and then the rest of the family arrived home. That was just too much excitement for the bunny, so he peed on the couch.  


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