Thursday, January 31, 2013

El Banco y La Guerra

EL BANCO (The Bank)

Yesterday, 1/30, I took the train to Madrid and went to the bank of Spain on an organized trip of Rotary. We went through minimal security then started our tour. We went through some beautiful rooms, saw some amazing art, and in the end got some presents! (a notebook, a pen, a book of the history of the euro, etc.) It isn't really a bank, more like a giant building with financial people, of course there is a lobby that looks exactly like a bank- with teller windows and all- but that is almost never open. That lasted about an hour and a half and when we were leaving the building there was a manifestation (strike) outside! You know when you see famous people coming out of a building and there are people on either side of their walkway yelling? Yeah that was 20 scared exchange students, but these people weren't violent, just very noisy and angry.


As you know I am living with a 6 year old and a 3 year old as siblings. The 6 year old is a girl, and we get along great. The 3 year old however, hates me. Today Marta described our 'conflict' as a war, and I like that. I know I am going to win, just not sure how yet. Better start saving my money- he loves anything to do with Spiderman and Lightening McQueen. This kid is going to like me. Meet Martín >>>>

1 comment:

  1. I love your determination. He will miss you when you're gone!


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