Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feliz Año Nuevo

New Year's Eve
We all got dressed in our most fabulous attire and we were at the grandma's house by 10. We ate buffet style, kinda, we basically put all of the food on the main dining table and everyone filled their plate then found somewhere to sit. The kids around the coffee table and the adults around the table with all of the food. We had SO MUCH food, including: ham, quiche, omelet, beat salad (see below), and more. A little before 12 we started watching the news where they would be announcing the new year. The 12 seconds before 12:00 you eat one grape for each month and you have good luck if you can do it, very fun! After that we all got up and hugged and kissed everyone, wishing each other a happy new year. (A few people cried) After that the music got louder and there was lots of different styles of dancing. I made it until four in the morning at the party, then because it was a reasonable hour for my family at home to skype, I skyped my grandparents, then Mom and Dad. Daddy for very short because he had to go to sleep, had work the next morning at 2:30. Was on skype with Mom 'till 5:45 AM my time, went to sleep and didn't wake up until almost 1.

Two gorgeous cousins! The one in the black lives in Chile and was only here for a few days. (Jaime + Pepe) 

1 comment:

  1. The Spanish know how to party!
    Happy 2013 Jo!
    I love you!


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