Sunday, February 24, 2013

Art, 2 kilos, Hawaii

ART: Went to a big modern art fair in Madrid with the family. We had our neighbors VIP card so we actually went into the VIP room where you get free drinks and stuff! The clocks were one of y favorite pieces. It says, "En este espacio dos personas no se encuentran." Which means something along the lines of in the space two people won't find each other (the clocks are one hour apart). Also this Cinderella glass slipper was there, now where's my Prince Charming?

2 KILOS: I started my diet the Monday after my birthday (Feb. 11th) and 2 Thursdays later I did my first weigh-in and had lost 2 kilos (4.4 pounds)! I haven't eaten peanut butter since the diet began, gonna die. I don't really care about how many kilos I lose, it just matters how much FAT I lose! 

HAWAII: In the end, it turns out my parents aren't coming to Spain this year. We are planning to come back to Europe the next or the NEXT summer, works for me! The plan now is for me to fly home in the end of June, then fly straight to Hawaii for some much needed sun!

Monday, February 18, 2013

The recipe calls for just a dash of puke

Had a normal afternoon- came home and started on some homework. Berta had karate so Mario took her, a little later Marta had to pick Berta up so Mario could go to a meeting. That meant alone time for me and Martín. He was a little too good to believe, so it wasn't a HUGE surprise when later that night we found out he had been painting in his library books. Berta and Marta got back after about an hour. I finished my homework and we started eating dinner. Mashed potatoes with broccoli and ham for me, mashed potatoes and hot dogs for the little ones. They're stomachs have been hurting the last few days, so why we fed them hot dogs is beyond me. Sure enough after Martín finished he started coughing, coughing, coughing. I knew what was coming-then there is was. A chunky waterfall all over Martiín and poor Marta who had him in her arms. Yeah you could say it was NASTY.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Birthday and School

Had a great birthday! Of course I cried a bit, from all of the "Happy Birthday"'s I was getting from Oregon. I met my two new grandpa's and one new grandma (Marta's mom died of breast cancer a while back). We ate some delicious rice with zucchini, peppers, carrots, and more! For dessert I had made a peanut butter pie, a chocolate pie, peanut butter chocolate cookies, and carrot cake "muffins," as talked about in previous post. Gonna go to El Rey Leon sometime in June<3 
      The second of three rounds of finals are coming up in March. Studying and doing homework everyday :( I got my updated grades Friday and I'm only failing physics. Go me! My diet started Monday. Marta helped me take me 'before' weight and measurements. I haven't eaten peanut butter in almost a week, I want to die. The main food I eat right now is eggs. Looking for non dairy substitutes for baking also. Well Martiín just woke up, time to get him dressed and get back to the homework.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The worst night-before-my-birthday ever

        So we are having some family over tomorrow for my birthday. Ok, I'll make some desserts. After coming home from Madrid, Berta, Martín, and I began baking. First we made two cakes, one of peanut butter and one of chocolate, those are fine.
       Then we started with the carrot cake-cupcakes. It all started going down hill when I cut myself on a nut shell (who does that?) it is quite deep and hurt a lot. After that things were going fine for a while until I was actually putting the batter in the cupcake tins, I forgot to put the paper in first. Ok, no pasa nada, next. While in the oven the cupcakes overflowed like crazy and also fell in the middle. The second batch I put less batter, some overflowed, all fell. The third batch, I put VERY little, none overflowed, all fell. Now I had a giant bowl of cream cheese frosting, and no where to put it. I decided to try to frost the least ugly of the bunch. On about the 5th cupcake, the icing bag popped. How many things can go wrong in a 3 hour period? Enough.

This whole time I was on the verge of crying and rolling on the floor, but the entire time Marta kept saying, "these are delicious," "don't worry," "No pasa nada." She is the best host mom I could ask for.

Tomorrow is a new day, oh and my birthday! I am skyping the family in the evening and hopefully some friends. I do still want to go to El Rey Leon, so if you can PLEASE DONATE TO MY PAYPAYL OR TO MY MOM DIRECTLY, for my birthday:) Thank you for all of your support!

Me at the opera, saw a play about Walt Disney!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy 5 Month Anniversary to Me!

    Today is my five month anniversary of arriving to Spain. Nothing special happened today- had swimming in school, a french test, and watched the kids when I got home. My new family is so supportive. I love that the mom is an artist because the kids are always drawing and painting instead of in front of the T V.
    We don't celebrate Valentine's day here (my favorite holiday) but I am going to make a pink dessert anyhow. And since the kids love to color I figured we would also make some cards.
    This Sunday is my Sweet Sixteen. We are going to have some family over and a few friends of Marta and I, from the gym. SO BUMMED I can't go to the DMV and get my license that same day, let alone that same month, but hey everything takes time. I am going to ask, for the first and only time, for money! I want to go to El Rey Leon (The Lion King) play in Madrid for my birthday. As you can imagine it's quite spendy. You can either donate straight to my Paypal button above, or send money to my mom who will deposit it in my account. Paypal does take a percentage out of the money given, so the best option would be my mom.
    This next Monday I am starting a diet with my host parents. Let's just say I've put on some kilos and they need to go away. The diet will include: only drinking water or non-fat milk, eating very little bread, not eating peanut butter, watching portion sizes, etc. Nothing huge, just being aware of what we eat, they are mostly doing it to support me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

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