Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy 5 Month Anniversary to Me!

    Today is my five month anniversary of arriving to Spain. Nothing special happened today- had swimming in school, a french test, and watched the kids when I got home. My new family is so supportive. I love that the mom is an artist because the kids are always drawing and painting instead of in front of the T V.
    We don't celebrate Valentine's day here (my favorite holiday) but I am going to make a pink dessert anyhow. And since the kids love to color I figured we would also make some cards.
    This Sunday is my Sweet Sixteen. We are going to have some family over and a few friends of Marta and I, from the gym. SO BUMMED I can't go to the DMV and get my license that same day, let alone that same month, but hey everything takes time. I am going to ask, for the first and only time, for money! I want to go to El Rey Leon (The Lion King) play in Madrid for my birthday. As you can imagine it's quite spendy. You can either donate straight to my Paypal button above, or send money to my mom who will deposit it in my account. Paypal does take a percentage out of the money given, so the best option would be my mom.
    This next Monday I am starting a diet with my host parents. Let's just say I've put on some kilos and they need to go away. The diet will include: only drinking water or non-fat milk, eating very little bread, not eating peanut butter, watching portion sizes, etc. Nothing huge, just being aware of what we eat, they are mostly doing it to support me.

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