Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's all downhill from here!

So I have less than 2 months until I am IN OREGON! At last I decided to stay home, instead of going to Hawaii or somewhere else. I arrive home around 3 in the morning on the 4th of July. Couldn't be a better date. I will be ready for the barbecue, the fireworks, and dressing in red, white and blue. I may sleep all day, but Ill be up ALL NIGHT looking for all of my friends and family to tackle! You can't imagine how excited I am. I leave school the 13th which means I have less than a month of school left, then I go on a trip to the south of Spain and to Portugal, I come back to my host house, then have one more week to pack! Right now I am putting the final touches on all of my schoolwork: translating all of my class summaries for my school in Oregon and trying to get all of my grades, "in order." Every time I think about soming home I freak out! I love you guys!


  1. Best Birthday present ever......I can't wait to see you kiddo....!! Aspen is going to freak out when she gets to see you again...

    We all miss you so mucho-

  2. How did you find that picture of Jamie? It's perfect! (maybe the shoes are a stretch). We can't wait to see you when you're home. Soak up all you can on your class trip/vacation. It's such a great time of life:) We love you, Jo!

  3. Thanks guys! Haha I didn't even realize that the guy looks like my dad. Love y'all.


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