Monday, May 27, 2013

Skype and School! (:

Had a great weekend! Got to skype Ryon, Aspen, Mom & Dad, and Taylor! Got off all of the skypes super happy, with tears of joy. Aspen is so precious and gown up- it tears me apart every time I see or hear her. (Crying now) Ryon is just as sweet as ever. My second dad who was able to give me the baby girl I've always wanted. He's always supported me and I appreciate that so much! Actually got to see me Daddy for the first time in forever as he is always working when Mom and I normally do skype. Talked to him about how everyone is, what the boys do in his shop, how he can't be separated from my iPad, and small talk in general (he's not one for long conversations when they aren't in person). I love that big hairy bear and I miss him (and his Harley) so much. Talked to Momma about school, sadness, excitement, family members, and the technicalities of my return (plane ticket, luggage, day I get home). A skype with my Tay-foo will always be eventful. She let me know about all of the West drama (and serious scares). We planned out my first day home although we both know it's gonna go how it goes- that's not really something that can be planned out. We made tentative plans to make a beach trip this summer and just live it up! She has been such an amazing support for me.

Today, I had a regular day at school and now I'm at my house working on homework. I have to do a paper and power point about Francisco Franco (the old Spanish dictator)- for history, a paper about Islam- History of religions, and a power point about human rights- Ethics. Not too worried about all of the homework because I only have 2 more regular weeks of school then 3 days of review and 1 of finals. I leave on the 2nd day of finals so I'm only doing the first one! (Go me) 

Downstairs in my host mom's art studio I have all of my gifts laid out on 2 tables in 5 piles- Me, Aspen, Family, Friends, and Miscellaneous. Don't think anything bad- my pile is basically gifts that other people gave me and/or and jewelry. 

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