Saturday, September 8, 2012

Las diferencias de Europa (The differences of Europe)

      Here we have buttons on the top of the tank on toilets instead of the handles like at home. Here there are no screens on the windows, most everyone has a cleaning lady, meals are about two and a half hours later, and we have fake grass in the backyard. In school you have a few set classes everyone takes, then you get to choose between only TWO sets of additional classes. Students don't move classrooms, teachers do, we get an hour and a half to leave for lunch, and we don't get out for the day until half past four. Everything is smaller here- cars, streets, dogs, rooms, clothes, houses, parking spaces, sidewalks, etc. In the grocery store isles are not labeled, the meat department is huge and open, and it's very noisy.
     And the biggest difference is that I don't go shopping every day!

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