Sunday, November 11, 2012

A great Sunday!

Last night I babysat my cousins and slept over at their house. They are always perfect and the older one pretty much tells me what to do so I always feel bad getting paid :/ Had a great breakfast of churros and hot milk then went home and did some homework. Went to Las Rozas (a town) with my brothers and dad and came to this go-kart racing facility, Silvia met us there. It was super cool, the track actually bridged over itself in one part and all of the workers had working headphone radios (like the ones the pit crew/boss/guy has). After that I came home and rushed to get ready to catch my bus only to realize I hand't been looking at the hour hand of my watch and actually had another hour. I sat down and ate some lentils and rice, then the boys let me know if I wanted to be in Madrid at 2:30 I had to leave at 2. Waited for my bus for about 10 minutes, it took about 30 or so to get to Mocloa (where I can catch the metro), and Emily met me there. We then went to another station by metro, then to another by "train," its basically the same as the metro, then we came to daylight at El Sol. We walked around watching street performers, went to a bakery, shopped a bit, went to McDonalds and had Mcflurries, then went back to the same bakery so I could buy my family some croissants. Emily took me all the way to my metro and told me to "Facebook me when you get home!" From there I took the metro back to Moncloa and hopped on my bus. Traveling around Madrid is so easy! I plan on doing it at least once every two weeks now! I was home around 6:45, and it was already super dark. No one was at the house when I got there so I changed into my PJs and watched some TV. Silvia, Manu, and Guzman came home and they ate some of the croissants and I had lentils and rice for dinner. Now I'm watching Spongebob with Manu and plan to go to bed soon even though it's only 8:40.
Just want to say I appreciate all the support I am receiving from home and I wouldn't be able to do this without all of my letters, postcards, prayers, emails, and comments on my blog. You guys make me feel so loved and I am sending love and prayers right back your way!
 The boys did some go-kart racing! I wouldn't be in the same race as them so I decided to pass.
 Took the bus then metro into Madrid to meet a friend, a fellow exchange student from Oregon! This guy was one of many street performers in Puerto del Sol.

 Went to a seemingly normal show store and found this in the men's section? No judging! LOL

 The symbol of Madrid! 
 I always take pictures of stores I want to go back to and this gorgeous lady just happened to be in the way!
My scores of the day: pink thing= croissants from an amazing bakery, in the souvenirs bag= key chains,  in front of the souvenirs bag= postcards!


  1. That's what I'm talking about... public transportation is the gateway to adventure!

    Love the packages all wrapped up! Shopping is much more of event that way.

    Good for you Jo! Does this mean more shopping in your future? I'll donate on PayPal to help the cause.

    Love you!

  2. This means A LOT more shopping in my future. I saw some great cheap stores I am planning to go back to this weekend or next. I'm glad Mom told me I don't have a budget! LOL I still try to stay within what I make- meaning the 70 euros a month I get from Rotary + other money from babysitting and giving English classes. (:
    Are the boys adult smalls or XS yet? If no, what are their sizes in t-shirts?
    I love you!


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