Yesterday, I called my friend during lunch to tell her I could go to Madrid after school. She didn't answer (in school) so I left a message. When I got home from school again I called her and she said she was on the bus to where we were going to meet. Great! So I changed my clothes and went to the bus stop. I decided to wait with some schoolmates of mine who were sitting across the street. They told me during the week the bus I needed, 627, didn't do the big loop where our school is and the nearest bus stop. So they walked me down to another one and left me there with a woman who.....was talkative. I waited from 5 to 6. And that bus is supposed to come every 15 minutes? Mmmmhhmmm, sure. I hopped on that and then a metro and I was in SOL, where we usually meet, at around 6:45. It's a huge square filled with hundreds of people so I knew I wouldn't find her. Oh yeah did I mention I forgot my phone? Looked for a while, then decided to just go shopping! Bout some postcards and other souvenir-y things. Everyone is so nice here! I asked for directions once (in Spanish) then gave directions (in English) to a man from Bangladesh. Decided to call it quits around 8 and was home by 9. My family was a little worried because Emily, my friend, had called the house and my family had called my cell....which was in my room. YIKES. All in all it was a fun trip.
Had a little boy take my pic in a great bakery!
Can't wait till this is a full tree and lit up around Christmas!
In the theatre!
There were signs everywhere on the campus about the huelga and a bunch more about being against fascism and nazis.
Happy Thanksgiving beautiful girl. I hope you are well and surrounded by love. Sending you cyper hugs!