Friday, November 9, 2012

An update

Things in general:
Still not sure about my host family situation. Pretty sure I will get a new host family in a little. It's just hard not knowing when, who, or where. I really don't care WHO, but I do care WHERE. I really want to stay at my same school so I want to be placed with a close family or someone who lives in another town, but has kids who go to the school. I am in contact with a few Rotary officials asking about my new family and I will write more when I know more.

How my Friday went:
Went to school as usual. Came straight home and changed my clothes, went out with a trash bag and gloves to pick up trash. It was a little sad to me that I only made it 10 minutes and around one corner before my bag was full. Stepped in some dog poop because no one picks it up here:/ Came back to the house and changed my clothes again and headed for the gym, did a 45 minute spinning class, came home and showered. Got one postcard from Mom and a card from my cousin. It's about 7:15 pm and now I am going to start my mounds of homework I have for the weekend.


  1. Homework. Meh... How is the school there academically? I've heard that the education in Europe is much more thorough than in the States. What do you think?

  2. I think the reasons it is more thorough is A) They start learning English at 3 and another language at 13. and B) In the States we have pointless classes like jewelry making and here they literally have no electives or "fun classes" your only choice is the difference between "Letters" and "Science." In letters you have less science and math and in letters they also have one art class and more ethics and history of religion.


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