Wednesday, November 14, 2012


          Last night while at Abuela Pilar's I heard one of my cousins say he wasn't going to school "tomorrow" (today) because of the huelga (strike). My little brothers tried to convince Rafa (host dad) to let us stay home from school, that didn't fly.
         So today I got up and went to school as normal. We were 9 students short in my class so we sat wherever we wanted and during our first class of history we "studied" for other classes. During the next hour we didn't even have a teacher. You'd think if one of our teachers was on strike we would at least have someone to babysit us for the hour....NOPE. The class spent the hour taking pics of each other and I spent the hour translating a paper I had written. We had a regular math class because our math teacher....let's just say she's a bit rough around the edges....and she gave us homework. Both our P.E. teachers were at school so we had a regular class for that, then a regular class of Physics and Chemistry- with lots of whining on our part. Went home for lunch and received a package from my sweet Mommy! It contained silly dollar store items like washcloths and a coloring book, but it also contained 3 packs of fake dollar bills that were written on and together said, "SPEND SOME MONEY!" Oh goodness Momma. Went to school in a great mood. During English class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I go into a separate class with a teacher named Cynthia who helps me with translating my homework. Today instead of doing homework we spent the hour talking about the strike, the reasons behind it, the reasons to participate, the media coverage (objective channels vs. those essentially controlled by the government), and the effect it has. SO INTERESTING! Actually getting to hear someone's opinion who is a Spanish citizen who works in public service (teaching). She told me at 6:30 there would be the actual march in Madrid. After that I had Ethics, then went home.

        Started my homework then decided to ask Rafa if I could go to the strike march in Madrid. He asked how I would get there and back. Only after I said the bus did I realize the bus drivers were part of the strike and the bus schedule was messed up and there were few busses today :( Did more homework then went to spinning class with my aunt and uncle. Whew that was hard core! Walked home and showered then immediately left for Abuela Pilar's. We will most likely go there everyday this week because Rafa's youngest brother is here from Switzerland with his 2 year old. I gave her some of the things that were in the package from my mom. He brought a surplus of French cheeses so he tried all of them with bread.


  1. Asking to travel to Madrid for the Strike?!?! I've never been prouder.

  2. I am so enjoying your blog! Keep it up. Please? :-)

    What a great education you're getting. I was wanting to ask what folks there thought of the financial crisis (re: international debt) I keep hearing about Spain having. Does anyone there talk of it?

  3. Yes and they talked about it a lot more the week of the strike. There are less service workers, like to clean the streets, and less jobs in general. Some Spaniards are going to Germany and the UK to find jobs. At my school it is half paid by the government and half by the parents. The teachers salaries have been cut quite a bit and so many of them told me that they wanted to do the strike but couldn't afford not to be at work!


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