Thursday, November 22, 2012

Solo en Madrid y un Excursión

Alone in Madrid and a field trip!

     Yesterday, I called my friend during lunch to tell her I could go to Madrid after school. She didn't answer (in school) so I left a message. When I got home from school again I called her and she said she was on the bus to where we were going to meet. Great! So I changed my clothes and went to the bus stop. I decided to wait with some schoolmates of mine who were sitting across the street. They told me during the week the bus I needed, 627, didn't do the big loop where our school is and the nearest bus stop. So they walked me down to another one and left me there with a woman who.....was talkative. I waited from 5 to 6. And that bus is supposed to come every 15 minutes? Mmmmhhmmm, sure. I hopped on that and then a metro and I was in SOL, where we usually meet, at around 6:45. It's a huge square filled with hundreds of people so I knew I wouldn't find her. Oh yeah did I mention I forgot my phone? Looked for a while, then decided to just go shopping! Bout some postcards and other souvenir-y things. Everyone is so nice here! I asked for directions once (in Spanish) then gave directions (in English) to a man from Bangladesh. Decided to call it quits around 8 and was home by 9. My family was a little worried because Emily, my friend, had called the house and my family had called my cell....which was in my room. YIKES. All in all it was a fun trip.
Had a little boy take my pic in a great bakery!

 Can't wait till this is a full tree and lit up around Christmas!

      Today, I woke up super pumped because my class had a field trip! And to top it off it was in street clothes! On the bus everyone was eating, taking pictures, and one person even brought an iPod dock to play music! We drove into Madrid and arrived at a university. We waited in the lobby of the philosophy building for about 20 minutes, and when the teachers were trying to check our school in, the woman with the list said no one had called from our school to confirm us. Because there was a lot of time until the next show, our teachers let us loose on the campus. I went with some friends into 3 different buildings, took some pics in the leaves, and then we were back in the lobby at 11:30. We actually entered the theatre around 12. I didn't understand much, slept a little, and then we were out of there. What I did understand of it was that it took place in Ancient Greece or Rome, and there were different legends portrayed including one about a cyclops. We got back to the school at about 2:15, when our lunch break usually started at 1:30. I ran home and ate some pasta and now I am going to study for my religion test I have after lunch:(

In the theatre!

There were signs everywhere on the campus about the huelga and a bunch more about being against fascism and nazis.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving beautiful girl. I hope you are well and surrounded by love. Sending you cyper hugs!


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