Saturday, December 29, 2012

Navidad y un paquete

Had an amazingly crazy Christmas! You know those europeans- it isn't Christmas without tears, yelling, a fire place, a little bit of smoking, alcohol, and family drama. Our Christmas meal consisted of soup, lasagna, mountains of seafood, lamb, and mushrooms. For dessert we had the regular mandarines and christmas candies. I also had coffee! Well, it was more like milk with coffee rather than coffee with milk, but hey, I tried. 

A few days ago I went to the post office to send some stuff (I do that so often the women who work there are basically my BFF's) and I have been expecting Christmas packages from family in the states. I was basically whining to the ladies that I hadn't gotten any packages yet. They looked in the back of the office, and BAM! one of my packages had arrived that day, what luck. It was a package from Albany and it included- a grow-your-own Christmas tree, a mirror shaped like a rose, earbuds, a book called 'To my Daughter' (one of the best books I have ever read, and I can't wait to give it to my own baby one day!), some peanut butter, a necklace, a cross, a DVD of my brother's last waterpolo game, a notepad that says "when everything else fails, go shopping!", a shirt that says 'I (picture of a mustache) you a question, and finally a 3D puzzle of a rose, who's idea was a 3D puzzle? A few hours and a whole frustrated host family later, I finished it.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Yea for Christmas packages! Yea for a mama who loves you!

    She got that puzzle while she was here, and she was having so much fun looking for something for you. :-)


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