Sunday, February 24, 2013

Art, 2 kilos, Hawaii

ART: Went to a big modern art fair in Madrid with the family. We had our neighbors VIP card so we actually went into the VIP room where you get free drinks and stuff! The clocks were one of y favorite pieces. It says, "En este espacio dos personas no se encuentran." Which means something along the lines of in the space two people won't find each other (the clocks are one hour apart). Also this Cinderella glass slipper was there, now where's my Prince Charming?

2 KILOS: I started my diet the Monday after my birthday (Feb. 11th) and 2 Thursdays later I did my first weigh-in and had lost 2 kilos (4.4 pounds)! I haven't eaten peanut butter since the diet began, gonna die. I don't really care about how many kilos I lose, it just matters how much FAT I lose! 

HAWAII: In the end, it turns out my parents aren't coming to Spain this year. We are planning to come back to Europe the next or the NEXT summer, works for me! The plan now is for me to fly home in the end of June, then fly straight to Hawaii for some much needed sun!

1 comment:

  1. We loved Skyping with you the other day.....was great to see your contagious smile.....Aspen was saying "Jojo" "Jojo" "Jojo" for days....


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