Friday, December 7, 2012

Trouble, Finals, Shopping, Family

So sorry I haven't written in a while, but life's been crazy!

Well went to Madrid with my friend one Friday, and shopped, took pictures, people-watched, the usual. Remember when I went to Madrid and forgot my phone? Well this time I took it but left it in my backpack the whole time. When I checked it at 10:30 I had missed calls and texts from my host parents. When i called them back, they said we would 'talk' when I got home.....YIKES. I know they were just worried, but really that was the first time they'd really been angry with me. I cried harder than I ever have before, and I know it was my fault :/ Gonna be more careful next time!

Had final tests last Thursday and Friday and also this Monday and Tuesday. Did better on some than others.....but oh well. Nailed the French one! You could practically touch the stress in the air from all of the studying students, I quit worrying after the first day, because those were our hardest tests. Haven't got my grades yet, we'll see!

Yesterday, December 6, I went shopping in a nearby town with another exchange student who is also moving families. Her move is a 'bit' more extreme than mine, she is moving from the south coast, to the north, 2 hours from France! We shopped till we were barely standing. I bought some scarves and lots of things to send home in a Christmas package. Going to Madrid today at 4 with this exchange student and one more for more shopping! It's the first time since the incident, so wish me luck. (Little piggy for only 90 euros, maybe merry Christmas to me?)

On my shopping adventure I also talked with the head Rotary guy. He said I would live in Majadahonda (that town) and take the bus everyday to my same school. I am so happy! This town has 10X as much shopping as the one I live in now.


  1. Good to hear an update. When is the move?

    Sounds like you are getting to be a public-transportation pro. I love the picture of the musicians.

    We love you! We love you! We love you!

  2. The move will be after Christmas break, so middle of January. Love you so much! Maybe we can Skype on Christmas?


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