Saturday, June 29, 2013


Whoops! Forgot to post about my trip!

Our first stop was Granada, where we saw the Alhambra and the cathedral of Granada. 

Next we headed to Córdoba, where we visited the great mosque which is now a cathedral. To get to the   historical part of the city we had to walk across a GIGANTIC bridge in the scorching sun, 4 times. In on of the photos is me in the, "flower alley," a little walking street with barely any width at all.

Sevilla was my favorite city to visit. We were able to see the cathedral there, the tower of gold, and the plaza de España. 

Once in Portugal we stopped at a hotel that was full of people, but it was silent. Apparently Rotary found the ONE hotel that is basically a mausoleum. We went to the beach for a while, my first time in the Atlantic I think. Got up early the next morning and headed for Lisbon.
In Lisbon we spent 4 days, going to the Rotary International Convention 2 days. I met so many amazing people, got some great pins, and had bunches of fun. 

Our last stop was Salamanca. We had a 3 hour walking tour, then free time until dinner, then we went clubbing. We danced and had fun, some too much fun. But we all made it back to the hotel alive.

We drove the Madrid and I went out to eat with some friends, later to be picked up by Tanner's (exchange student who lives by me) host parents. Now I am calmly packing, doing last minute sightseeing and shopping, and trying to cherish my little ones for these last few days. See yall soon!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Last day of school

Last day of P.E.
Last day of school! Took my only two finals and did quite well (I think). Gave all of my teachers and classmates their gifts. Got out at 1:30, at lunch, and started going through my pig-sty of a room. Have to finish packing to start my trip tomorrow, so excited! So proud of myself for finishing the school year. Expect a very long blog the 26th because I am not taking my computer on the trip.
Until then, Joslyn <3

Last day of sports uniform!
Other speaking group.
My neighbors who took me to school
everyday since January.
I filled mason jars with all of these goodies
for my teachers.
Made 3 different types of cookies
for my last day of school!

Picture with the boys

Speaking class.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Skype and School! (:

Had a great weekend! Got to skype Ryon, Aspen, Mom & Dad, and Taylor! Got off all of the skypes super happy, with tears of joy. Aspen is so precious and gown up- it tears me apart every time I see or hear her. (Crying now) Ryon is just as sweet as ever. My second dad who was able to give me the baby girl I've always wanted. He's always supported me and I appreciate that so much! Actually got to see me Daddy for the first time in forever as he is always working when Mom and I normally do skype. Talked to him about how everyone is, what the boys do in his shop, how he can't be separated from my iPad, and small talk in general (he's not one for long conversations when they aren't in person). I love that big hairy bear and I miss him (and his Harley) so much. Talked to Momma about school, sadness, excitement, family members, and the technicalities of my return (plane ticket, luggage, day I get home). A skype with my Tay-foo will always be eventful. She let me know about all of the West drama (and serious scares). We planned out my first day home although we both know it's gonna go how it goes- that's not really something that can be planned out. We made tentative plans to make a beach trip this summer and just live it up! She has been such an amazing support for me.

Today, I had a regular day at school and now I'm at my house working on homework. I have to do a paper and power point about Francisco Franco (the old Spanish dictator)- for history, a paper about Islam- History of religions, and a power point about human rights- Ethics. Not too worried about all of the homework because I only have 2 more regular weeks of school then 3 days of review and 1 of finals. I leave on the 2nd day of finals so I'm only doing the first one! (Go me) 

Downstairs in my host mom's art studio I have all of my gifts laid out on 2 tables in 5 piles- Me, Aspen, Family, Friends, and Miscellaneous. Don't think anything bad- my pile is basically gifts that other people gave me and/or and jewelry. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Making friends....the unexpected ones.

The other day while walking to church on Saturday night I stopped to ask a woman if I could pet her dog. She of course said yes, then asked my name. When I told her, she automatically switch into English- full Californian English. Her name is Virginia and has lived in Spain for around 45 years. I spent a long time talking with her about my exchange and things. (All the while she was yelling at me because it was very cold out and I was wearing flip-flops.) She gave me her phone number and I continued my walk. I arrived at the church about 5 minutes before my host mom was coming to pick me up, so I was definitely not going to disturb the almost-over-mass, then turn around and leave. Right when my host mom pulled up, Virginia came the other way and said, "Come here, I made you some American meatloaf....ok it's only American because I put BBQ sauce on it. Put some shoes on!"
         Today, 3 days later, I called her up during my lunch break. Of course I had my own lunch packed, but she offered something much more delicious- enchiladas. We ate and chatted about her spanish husband her 5 children. She told me all about her studies in college- majoring in Spanish- then about her coming to live in Spain. I feel like she's the grandma I'm very much in need of, as now I don't have any in Spain. She's not like any of my grandmas in Oregon- all three very different, very loving, and now very important to me.
         So if you only really hear one thing from this story, hear that anyone and everyone is looking for friendship. If you stop and take the time, give an ear, you can make someone very happy and, in turn, create happiness for yourself.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's all downhill from here!

So I have less than 2 months until I am IN OREGON! At last I decided to stay home, instead of going to Hawaii or somewhere else. I arrive home around 3 in the morning on the 4th of July. Couldn't be a better date. I will be ready for the barbecue, the fireworks, and dressing in red, white and blue. I may sleep all day, but Ill be up ALL NIGHT looking for all of my friends and family to tackle! You can't imagine how excited I am. I leave school the 13th which means I have less than a month of school left, then I go on a trip to the south of Spain and to Portugal, I come back to my host house, then have one more week to pack! Right now I am putting the final touches on all of my schoolwork: translating all of my class summaries for my school in Oregon and trying to get all of my grades, "in order." Every time I think about soming home I freak out! I love you guys!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tale of the beach and grandma...

So I went to the beach last Sunday night and stayed until Friday afternoon. It was only nice about 2 days- so those days we were at the beach. The rest of the time we were either taking walks, shopping, eating, sleeping, or seeing Mario or Marta's family. While at the beach I collected a whole bunch of pretty shells. Of course, then my siblings were doing it too, and OF COURSE, they wanted all of mine. But hey, there were enough shells for all of us :) One day we ate out at a seafood restaurant and I actually tried (almost) everything! I ate some sort of thing in a shell, some fried fish, a red pepper salad, and some sardines(didn't like those). The only thing I didn't try were the calamaris because I already know I do NOT like them. Later I went into the city center with the step-daughter of Marta's brother. She is 20 but is soooo much tinier than me, not fair. She showed me the town, we did some window shopping, and later had some ice cream. The backseat in the car is really not big enough for 2 carseats and a Bryant booty, so the car ride was tough. Now back in school with a Biology test tomorrow.

About 4 days ago my only grandma (mom of my host dad) fell. Mario and his dad are both so upset because it happened so quickly. The doctors are sure she won't open her eyes again. This afternoon she passed away. It was seriously so fast- I mean she was HERE at our house, laughing and doing the laundry Sunday. The next few weeks, I imagine, will be very tense and sad. I'm a little worried about Mario's dad because his mom was really the one who said what was what. Please pray for him and for my host dad, Mario.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Art and a Hello

Should be studying right now for a physics test I have tomorrow, but I just found a letter from my neighbor and was responding, when I read that she liked looking at the pictures I post on my blog. My thought= "Whoops, better post something!"
Yep, so test tomorrow, then going to the beach sunday 'till Friday. So excited! First of many 'end of the year' trips. These are a few drawings I did a while ago. Sometimes we all go down into the studio and just draw what we feel like drawing. Of course in Martin's case it's lots of circles, lines, and some M's (he's learning his name). The one I am holding was done by an artist in a park in Madrid. I have one from San Francisco so I thought it would be interesting to compare how different artists see the same person. Just wanted to say a quick hello and I love you!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nothing much

Really nothing new. The sun is shining and its so warm. You can stay outside 'till at least nine and when I leave for school at 8:30 its already light jacket weather. Went out to dinner to a chinese restaurant- a lot different than in the US. We had rice, orange chicken, and egg rolls. The chicken seemed like just baked chicken served with an orange sauce, I suppose thats how it really is. After we went for gelato- I had chocolate chip mint. I would give the Chinese place a 6 for food and a 10 for service- literally so fast. And a solid 9 for my gelato. Not much homework lately. I am still busy though- exercising everyday, doing my own laundry ;), and I have to translate (from spanish to english) the summaries of ALL of my classes :( With the sun out everyone seems happier, tanner, lighter, and all around better. I am wishing Oregon lots of sun! I love you all!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Toledo, a completely different world, just about an hour away.

Sun or Shade- how you pick your
seat when going to a bull fight.

Que Fuerte

Don't get too excited,
it's not a real museum :(
The other day I went to Madrid to do some shopping :) I probably walked a few kilometers and sweated a few kilos. During the day I bought my ticket for the Lion King, a necklace for my beautiful Aspen and some candy for a sick Martín. I walked through rain, talked with a street artist, visited the visitor's center, saw the American Embassy and Consulate, went to one Taste of America, and took one Metro (trying to save money by walking).
Went to a yogurt shop,
the ONLY one where you serve yourself,
and also the ONLY one with this flavor!

Got a stranger to take my picture
 in front of this pretty fountain. 

A cool store where they sell "spells,"
you grab a pill bottle and stick a "spell"
on it, then you fill it with the secret ingredients (candy).
Some spells were for wedding jitters, people who
hate Mondays, etc. 


     Last night I went to the city meeting with Marta. OOOOOOOOOoooooo que fuerte. Marta is 1 of 9 people on a board consisting of the "opposing political parties." Sitting across the room are 7 members of the party in power and in the center is the secretary (doesn't have a party, just there to take the notes), the speaker of the party in power, and the guy who basically tells people when they can talk.
     The meeting started with 12 points that needed to be approved (or not). That took about 3 hours and only a few arguments. After that there were questions from the opposing parties, then from the public (we were only about 17 people). The guy in charge of the meeting gave the public 30 minutes, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! We got through about 4 people before the guy in charge said the meeting was over. When he got up to leave I also stood up and asked the party in power (PP) if they would stay to talk with the public, and if that guy in charge wanted to leave, so be it. Of course I was so nervous so they couldn't understand me. One woman in the public spoke english so she helped me. Everyone actually sat down to listen to my question and although I didn't get an answer, I gave the woman in charge of environment my card. So what was my question? My town is quite dirty and I am asking if I can organize a community clean up. I am asking for trash bags, gloves, and money to make the flyers. I can't wait to hear what the woman's response will be!
   Well you could say the public was angry about the 30 minute rule, and I assume it will change in the near future.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lots of stuff, pictures later

After studying like a crazy woman (barely doing anything else) I think I pulled out some good grades. Don't have them yet, get them after Holy Week.

For Holy Week my family was supposed to go to the beach but my host mom works Wednesday, which means no beach. So I plan on sleeping a bunch and going to Madrid a few times.

Today I woke up a little after 10, ate my breakfast, drank my tea, and got straight to cleaning my room. I didn't have any time during finals, and really it was about time. I found a few lost things :) I was in charge of the kids while I was cleaning because Mario was at the gym and Marta at a meeting. Every time I couldn't hear Martín I went to go check on him, one time he had taken Berta's lip gloss and painted his eyebrows. The kids ate lunch with Mario when he got home, then I ate with Marta when she got home. Now making some cookies and hoping to go to IKEA later.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Finals- a weekend in between

Monday I have 2 finals- physics and french. In physics there are like 40 formulas to memorize. Yeah, I'm wondering if I start crying during the test maybe the teacher will give me a good grade... French is going quite well, still lonely because everyone else in my class is in their 4th year and I am in my first. That means the teacher teaches 4th year french- nothing I can understand and I can't participate. Its a bummer but I have a good CD I am working with for pronunciation. But really it all come down to physics...Trying different ways of studying- reading, writing, with another person, with music, outside- but any way I do it I'd rather be sleeping. Yikes. Pray for me!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

FINALS- Round 2

Tomorrow are my first 2 finals- history and classic culture. Friday 3 more, a weekend of studying, Monday 3 more, and Tuesday the last 2. Please be wishing me all of the focus and luck you have! Missing you always,

P.s. I'm still trying to teach some friends, family, and teachers how to say my name. Who knows if I'll respond when I hear the American pronunciation once home.... (:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Art, 2 kilos, Hawaii

ART: Went to a big modern art fair in Madrid with the family. We had our neighbors VIP card so we actually went into the VIP room where you get free drinks and stuff! The clocks were one of y favorite pieces. It says, "En este espacio dos personas no se encuentran." Which means something along the lines of in the space two people won't find each other (the clocks are one hour apart). Also this Cinderella glass slipper was there, now where's my Prince Charming?

2 KILOS: I started my diet the Monday after my birthday (Feb. 11th) and 2 Thursdays later I did my first weigh-in and had lost 2 kilos (4.4 pounds)! I haven't eaten peanut butter since the diet began, gonna die. I don't really care about how many kilos I lose, it just matters how much FAT I lose! 

HAWAII: In the end, it turns out my parents aren't coming to Spain this year. We are planning to come back to Europe the next or the NEXT summer, works for me! The plan now is for me to fly home in the end of June, then fly straight to Hawaii for some much needed sun!

Monday, February 18, 2013

The recipe calls for just a dash of puke

Had a normal afternoon- came home and started on some homework. Berta had karate so Mario took her, a little later Marta had to pick Berta up so Mario could go to a meeting. That meant alone time for me and Martín. He was a little too good to believe, so it wasn't a HUGE surprise when later that night we found out he had been painting in his library books. Berta and Marta got back after about an hour. I finished my homework and we started eating dinner. Mashed potatoes with broccoli and ham for me, mashed potatoes and hot dogs for the little ones. They're stomachs have been hurting the last few days, so why we fed them hot dogs is beyond me. Sure enough after Martín finished he started coughing, coughing, coughing. I knew what was coming-then there is was. A chunky waterfall all over Martiín and poor Marta who had him in her arms. Yeah you could say it was NASTY.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Birthday and School

Had a great birthday! Of course I cried a bit, from all of the "Happy Birthday"'s I was getting from Oregon. I met my two new grandpa's and one new grandma (Marta's mom died of breast cancer a while back). We ate some delicious rice with zucchini, peppers, carrots, and more! For dessert I had made a peanut butter pie, a chocolate pie, peanut butter chocolate cookies, and carrot cake "muffins," as talked about in previous post. Gonna go to El Rey Leon sometime in June<3 
      The second of three rounds of finals are coming up in March. Studying and doing homework everyday :( I got my updated grades Friday and I'm only failing physics. Go me! My diet started Monday. Marta helped me take me 'before' weight and measurements. I haven't eaten peanut butter in almost a week, I want to die. The main food I eat right now is eggs. Looking for non dairy substitutes for baking also. Well Martiín just woke up, time to get him dressed and get back to the homework.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The worst night-before-my-birthday ever

        So we are having some family over tomorrow for my birthday. Ok, I'll make some desserts. After coming home from Madrid, Berta, Martín, and I began baking. First we made two cakes, one of peanut butter and one of chocolate, those are fine.
       Then we started with the carrot cake-cupcakes. It all started going down hill when I cut myself on a nut shell (who does that?) it is quite deep and hurt a lot. After that things were going fine for a while until I was actually putting the batter in the cupcake tins, I forgot to put the paper in first. Ok, no pasa nada, next. While in the oven the cupcakes overflowed like crazy and also fell in the middle. The second batch I put less batter, some overflowed, all fell. The third batch, I put VERY little, none overflowed, all fell. Now I had a giant bowl of cream cheese frosting, and no where to put it. I decided to try to frost the least ugly of the bunch. On about the 5th cupcake, the icing bag popped. How many things can go wrong in a 3 hour period? Enough.

This whole time I was on the verge of crying and rolling on the floor, but the entire time Marta kept saying, "these are delicious," "don't worry," "No pasa nada." She is the best host mom I could ask for.

Tomorrow is a new day, oh and my birthday! I am skyping the family in the evening and hopefully some friends. I do still want to go to El Rey Leon, so if you can PLEASE DONATE TO MY PAYPAYL OR TO MY MOM DIRECTLY, for my birthday:) Thank you for all of your support!

Me at the opera, saw a play about Walt Disney!

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